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Trial IPB

In accordance with  the Law on Higher Education and Science of July 20th, 2018, Art. 202, item 1. Doctoral students, in consultation with the doctoral student supervisor(s), shall draw up an Individual Research Plan including in particular a schedule for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation and they shall submit it to the entity operating the doctoral school within 12 months of the date of the commencement of education. If an assistant supervisor is appointed, the plan shall be presented after the provision of opinion by that supervisor. 

The Individual Research Plan (IPB) is an extremely important document in the education track of a doctoral student, as it is the one that defines the framework, timetable and next steps on the way to obtaining a doctoral degree. The draft of the IPB is submitted to the Director for approval within a month from the date of its submission.

Due to the character of MSD, we encourage you to submit a trial IPB for earlier (by June 15 this year) expert review, which will significantly affect the quality of the document. Experts have one month to give a descriptive opinion on the IPB, which is submitted to the doctoral student. The opinion can be positive, without suggestions, with suggested changes or indicating necessary changes to the IPB.

The expert’s feedback on the submitted trial draft IPB will be forwarded to the doctoral student by 15 July this year (with the possibility of this being slightly later in exceptional cases due to the limited capacity of the expert to prepare the commentary in time).

Doctoral students who submitted the IPB for expert evaluation are obliged to send to the school’s secretary’s office (szkola.m@uw.edu.pl) by 30 September either the IPB revised after consultation (if the expert suggested amendments and the doctoral student together with his/her supervisors acknowledged them and made them) or e-mail information that the IPB submitted in June is a binding document and will be subject to future evaluation by the Midterm Evaluation Committee.

Individual Research Plan (IPB)FILE.doc