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Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners Polonicum is a modern centre of research and didactics at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the University of Warsaw. Our young team carries out scientific research, educates teachers of Polish as a foreign language, promotes the Polish language and culture abroad, executes Certificate Examinations in Polish as a foreign language, organises and conducts postgraduate studies related to Polish glottodidactics.

The basic form of our activity is teaching the Polish language and Polish culture to foreigners. We are offering our courses, language classes, lectures and trainings not only to students of the University of Warsaw, but also to students of other universities, as well as to any person interested in our country, culture and language.

While the Polish language classes are the most popular, they are not the only thing that we offer. One can also participate in workshops, online courses, conversation sessions, lectures on modern Polish culture, on everyday life in Poland, on different cultures’ encounters and mutual influences, on similarities and differences between our culture and other cultures, and on how much Polish culture owes to inspirations from our closer and further friends. Some of our lectures are in English.

Foreign doctoral students receive tokens for classes at the POLONICUM upon immatriculation. If for some reason you do not see them in your account, please contact the MSD secretariat.