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Representatives for equality

The representatives for equality in doctoral schools are dr hab. Jan Romański, prof. ucz (j.romanski@uw.edu.pl) and dr hab. Małgorzata Sandowicz, prof. ucz. (m.e.sandowicz@uw.edu.pl).

Representatives for equality are available to assist in cases of unequal treatment, discrimination, including harassment and sexual harassment, mobbing and other undesirable behavior.

Useful links:

  1. We are all equal – website dedicated to equality efforts at UW
  2. Team of Coordinators (in polish)- website of the Team of Coordinators for the prevention of unequal treatment, discrimination, mobbing and other undesirable behavior
  3. Ombudsman – Academic Advocacy page
  4. Legal support at UW (in polish) – information on access to free legal advice

Guides and Materials:

On 24 October 2023. The Director of MSD, Professor Paweł Stępień, issued an order appointing equality officers to our school.

As equality representatives for the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, were appointed:

  • dr hab. Małgorzata Sandowicz, prof. ucz. – msandowicz@uw.edu.pl (Faculty of Oriental Studies);
  • dr. hab. Jan Romański, prof. ucz. – j.romanski@uw.edu.pl (Faculty of Chemistry).

ORDER No. 6 OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE INTERDISCIPLINARY DOCTORAL SCHOOL of 24 October 2023 on the appointment of representatives for equality at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School [in Polish] – LINK to the ordinance website

Responsibilities of the Representatives for equality:
  1. Cooperating with the authorities of the Doctoral School as well as with the Academic Ombudsman for Student and Staff Affairs (Ombudsman), the UW Main Equality Advisor and the Main Research and Equality Education Advisor on anti-discrimination and fostering an atmosphere of equality and respect for diversity, nurturing an equal atmosphere in the daily life of the Doctoral School.
  2. Undertake consultation on all matters of discrimination and respond to reported cases through counselling. Contacting the Equality Representatives is not the same as initiating an official procedure. With the consent of the complainant, the Equality Representatives may refer the matter to the Academic Ombudsperson for Student and Staff Affairs.
  3. Gathering information on good equality practice, equality courses and training and providing information to doctoral students and staff at the beginning of the academic year about the support system in the Doctoral School and the University.
  4. Organise equality and anti-discrimination training in particular for members of qualifying teams.
  5. Disseminating good practice and equality and similar measures (e.g. anti-bullying).

The Equality Representatives undertakes to keep confidential secrecy, both during and after the performance of their duties, of all information and personal data to which they gain access in connection with the performance of their duties.

The person performing the role of Equality Representatives carries out his or her tasks in collaboration with members of the Doctoral School community.